June 25, 2021Starting September 03, 2021, all BankCom Credit Cardholders with a declared email address in our system will be automatically enrolled in our E-Statement Facility (ESOA). We will no longer deliver a paper copy of your Statement and instead you will receive your Monthly Statement of Account by email. It’s quick, convenient and most of all, Earth-friendly! If you wish to continue to receive only a paper copy of your Monthly Statement of Account, please call the Customer Care number at (02) 8 632-2265, Domestic Toll-Free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000, or send us an email at customerservice@bankcom.com.ph before August 15, 2021. Otherwise, kindly ensure that you have an updated email address with us to avoid any inconvenience. By signing up for and/or using the E-Statement Facility, the Cardholder accepts and agrees to be bound by all operational rules and general terms and conditions governing the Bank of Commerce Credit Card E-Statement and to any amendments thereto.