Credit Cards Classic Mastercard Enjoy financial flexibility with a versatile and rewarding everyday credit card. Take care of your basic needs while enjoying the privileges you deserve. Charge your groceries, gas, utilities, or installment purchases and be rewarded on everyday spend. Gold Mastercard Live a life without worries; take advantage of greater purchasing power with higher spending limits. Shop, dine, travel and enjoy more perks and rewards on all your spending. Platinum Mastercard Enjoy life’s luxuries and freedom to purchase the finer things the world has to offer using your premium card. Use your card anywhere in the world and take advantage of exciting privileges and exclusive benefits, and get billed in Philippine Peso. Less Complicated. More Privileges. World Mastercard Discover a world of exclusive experiences. Turn moments into memories. Gain access to luxury travel benefits and privileges, and extraordinary experiences such as Destination Limo, Mastercard Epicurean Experiences, Mastercard Airport Concierge services. Make your life with personalized assistance to help you with travel and entertainment arrangements anytime, anywhere. Use your card anywhere in the world and get billed in Philippine Peso. Less Complicated. More Privileges. Read More Cash Installment Credit Card A card that provides easy and reliable cash loan. Get cash when you need it and enjoy low-interest rates at fixed installment terms. Read More Product Features Global Acceptance Shop anywhere in the Philippines and overseas. Bank of Commerce credit card is accepted in more than 30 million affiliated establishments worldwide. All your purchases will be billed and paid in Philippine peso (PHP). Rewards Plus For every Php25 spent on your Bank of Commerce MasterCard Credit Card, card holders will earn one (1) Rewards point. Earn as much as 5x Rewards points when using the card at select dining and shopping establishments. Exchange points from a wide selection of rewards merchandise. Installment Plus Shop at selected establishments and avail of installment offers as low as 0% interest payable in 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months. Balance Transfer Take advantage of low monthly interest rates when you transfer your other credit card balances to your Bank of Commerce credit card. Cash Advance Avail of cash advance and withdraw up to 50% of your approved credit limit over the counter at any Bank of Commerce branches and via Bank of Commerce ATMs nationwide or any ATMs with Mastercard logo using your cash advance PIN. Applicable cash advance interest and service fee will apply. Online Protect Experience a safer way to shop online with Bank of Commerce Online Protect. It’s an additional layer of security to authenticate online purchases through a One-Time Password generation. All Bank of Commerce cardholders are automatically enrolled in Bank of Commerce Online Protect. It’s an additional layer of security to authenticate online purchases. It requires you to enter a unique One-Time Password which will be sent to your active mobile number that we have on record. To guarantee receipt of your One-Time Password, please ensure to update your mobile number through our Customer Care Hotline at (02) 8632 2265 or any of our Domestic Toll-free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000, from 7:00am –7:00pm daily or send us an email at 1. What is Bank of Commerce Online Protect? Bank of Commerce Online Protect is an additional layer of security to authenticate purchases done through secure merchant websites. 2. Why is One-Time Password (OTP) necessary? The OTP protects you from online fraud as it verifies and confirms that the transaction is made by the correct Cardholder. 3. How can I avail of this facility? ALL cardholders are automatically enrolled in Bank of Commerce Online Protect. To ensure receipt of your OTP, please update your mobile number by calling our Customer Care Hotline at (02) 8632 2265 or any of our Domestic Toll-free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000. 4. Is there a fee for the One-Time Password? Generation of One-Time Password is free of charge. However, normal charges apply on the SMS and/ or roaming facility provided by your Telco. 5.What will happen if my mobile number is not updated, will I still be able to make on-line purchases? For online purchases made at secure online merchants, you will be required to input the correct OTP to be able to proceed with the transaction. Therefore, you must update your mobile number to ensure successful transaction. If you are a Supplementary Cardholder, please ensure as well that you have provided your mobile number. For updating of mobile number, please call our Customer Care Hotline at (02) 8632 2265 or any of our Domestic Toll-free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000 or send an email at 6. Will I still receive my OTP if I’m out of the country? Yes, as long as your mobile roaming facility is activated. 7. What will happen if I key in the wrong OTP? You are only allowed three (3) tries to enter the correct OTP. On the succeeding incorrect try, you will no longer be able to continue using your Bank of Commerce credit card. You need to call the Customer Care Hotline at (02) 8632 2265 or any of our Domestic Toll-free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000 to reactivate your OTP. 8. Will my OTP expire if I don’t use it immediately? The OTP is valid only for 4 minutes. IMPORTANT: Sending and receipt of OTP via SMS is dependent on the connectivity and services provided by your mobile service provider and service providers engaged by Bank of Commerce. E-Statement Facility Go paperless and receive your monthly billing statement the fastest and most convenient way through your email address. All you need is an active email and you can receive your credit card E-Statement right in your inbox. Contactless Card Technology Tap and pay in a snap using your Bank of Commerce Mastercard Contactless Credit Card. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What is Mastercard Contactless? Mastercard Contactless uses a hidden embedded computer chip and radio frequency antennae to make a secure and safe payment transaction by simply tapping the card at any contactless payment terminal. 2. How do I know if my Bank of Commerce Mastercard is equipped with Mastercard Contactless? Bank of Commerce Mastercard Contactless credit card has the Contactless Symbol on the card. 3. How do I pay using my Bank of Commerce Mastercard Contactless Credit Card? To make a purchase, simply tap your Bank of Commerce Mastercard Contactless Credit Card on contactless payment terminal at checkout counters. 4. How close does the “tap” have to be to the contactless payment terminal? It must be within an inch or two of the contactless symbol on the terminal at the counter. If you have more than one contactless card in your wallet, do not tap your wallet against the terminal. Instead, remove the specific card you would like to use rather than tapping your wallet against the reader. 5. How does contactless payment work? Contactless uses a hidden embedded computer chip and radio frequency antennae. After you tap your contactless card at checkout, payment details are sent wirelessly to the Mastercard network. 6. Is it safe to use Contactless payments? Yes, absolutely. Contactless payments provide secure encryption technology and are as safe as your regular card. • You are in control – your contactless-enabled card or device never leaves your hands to make a payment. • No accidental payments – your contactless-enabled card or device must be close to the reader at checkout to work. • Not billed twice – even if you tap more than once at checkout, you’ll only get billed once for your purchase. 7. Why wasn’t I asked to sign the charge slip after my contactless transaction? To ensure that using contactless is as simple and convenient as cash, some merchants may not require signatures for purchases lower than Php2,000. 8. Can I still use my contactless credit card on non-contactless payment terminals? You can still use your contactless credit card by dipping your card or swiping your card at the payment terminal. 9. Do I have to treat my Bank of Commerce Mastercard Contactless Credit Card in any special way? Take care of your contactless credit card as you would any other credit card. Always know where your contactless card is and keep it in a safe place. If you have lost your card, please report immediately at Bank of Commerce Customer Care (02) 8632-2265 or Domestic Toll-free numbers: 1800-10-982-6000 (PLDT) & 1800-8-982-6000 (Globelines). Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) is a new security and convenience service of Mastercard that helps avoid transaction declines due to changes in card information such as card number and expiry date. Your updated card information is automatically provided safely and securely to participating merchant partners for your card-on-file transactions, enrolled automated payments and recurring bills. No need to manually update your credit card information in case your card details change due to card renewal, card replacement due to lost or stolen card, or card upgrades. All Bankcom cardholders are automatically enrolled in this service for convenient and seamless updating of your card details for your recurring bills, automated payments and card-on-file transactions for E-Commerce, Memberships, Streaming merchants, Utilities, etc. ABU helps prevent transaction declines, penalties and service disruption. Secure. Convenient. Worry-free. For more information, you may call our call Bank of Commerce Customer Care Hotline: (02) 8-632-2265; Domestic Toll-Free numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000, or send us an email at Platinum Mastercard Travel Insurance All Principal and Supplementary cardholders up to 70 years old are covered for up to Php 2 million in Travel Accident, Medical Expense, and Inconvenience Benefits every time you charge your entire fare for travel (airline tickets and other means of public transport) to your Bank of Commerce Platinum credit card when you travel abroad. It provides protection up to a maximum of 15 days for international travel while taking a trip on a common carrier conveyance or scheduled flight, as a fare-paying passenger. Click here to know more. Dual Currency Billing (This feature is an option available upon request for Platinum and World only.) Enjoy the convenience of two separate billing for local and international purchases. All local purchases will be billed and paid in Philippine Peso (PHP) while international purchases will be billed and paid in US Dollars (USD). Programs and Promotions Rewards Plus Catalog Installment Plus Merchant Directory Cash Advance Facility List of Branches Buy Now Pay Later Merchants Get Cash Program Mechanics Balance Transfer Program Mechanics Balance Convert Program Mechanics Convert to Installment Program Mechanics Balance Transfer Now Pay Later Promo Mechanics Application & Document Requirements Application Requirements Applicant must be between 21 to 65 years old for Principal Cardholder and at least 15 years old for Supplementary. Filipino resident or local resident foreigner. Minimum annual income requirement is Php120,000 for Classic MasterCard, Php455,000 for Gold MasterCard and Php1,200,000 for Platinum MasterCard. Must have an office or business landline and a residence landline or post paid mobile phone. Documents Required Completely filled out Bank of Commerce Credit Card application form Photocopy of one (1) valid ID with photo (for Principal and Supplementary) List of acceptable IDs: Philippine Identification (PhilID) Card or ePhilID Passport Driver’s License Police Clearance Postal ID Voter’s ID Barangay Certification Senior Citizen Card Seaman’s Book Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) ID Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) ID National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance Tax Identification Number (TIN) ID Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) ID Social Security System (SSS) Card Government Service and Insurance System (GSIS) e-Card Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Certification Student ID issued and signed by the Principal or head of the School Government office and GOCC ID [e.g. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) IDs] Alien Certification of Registration (ACR) / Immigrant Certificate of Registration (ICR) ID / certification issued by the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) IDs issued by “covered persons” registered with, supervised or regulated either by the BSP, SEC (i.e. corporations and partnerships) or IC (i.e., life and non-life insurance companies) Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) Health Insurance Card ng Bayan For retirees who are not Filipino citizen’s, photo-bearing identification cards issued by the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) For foreign nationals, Passport or Alien Certificate of Registration The Bank may require an additional valid ID with photo when necessary. Employed Any of the following: Latest Certificate of Employment and Compensation Latest 2316, W2 or ITR 3 months payslip Self-Employed Copy of Business Papers (MANDATORY) Single Proprietorship – Certificate of Registration of Business Name issued by DTI Partnership – Articles of Partnership and Certificate of Registration issued by SEC Corporation – Latest Articles of Incorporation (AOI), By Laws (BL) and Certificate of Registration issued by SEC, Certificate of filing of AOI and BL, Board Resolution or Sec. Certificate and List of Elected Officers. ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Latest ITR for the last 2 years duly stamped as received by BIR or authorized bank. Latest Audited Financial Statement (AFS) for the last 2 years duly stamped as received by BIR or authorized bank. Bank Statement for the last 6 months. Professional Latest ITR for the last 2 years duly stamped as received by BIR or authorized bank. – (MANDATORY) Latest Audited Financial Statement (AFS) for the last 2 years duly stamped as received by BIR or authorized bank Bank Statement for the last 6 months Non-Filipino Citizen Original and latest Certificate of Employment and Compensation (COEC) – (MANDATORY) Deed of Assignment for hold-out on deposit – (MANDATORY) Original Comfort Letter – (MANDATORY) Any of the following: Special Investor’s Resident Visa Visa issued by PEZA Certified True Copy of Passport Certified True Copy of Alien Certificate of Registration or Work Permit Fees and Charges FEES AND CHARGES FEES / CHARGES CLASSIC GOLD PLATINUM WORLD CASH INSTALLMENT CARD Annual Membership Fee Php2,400 billed on installment for 12 months. Php200.00 billed every month. Principal Card Php1,500 Php3,000 Php4,000 *Php5,000 Php5,000 *Php6,000 Supplementary Card Php750 Php1,500 Php2,000 *Php2,500 Php2,500 *Php3,000 NA Finance Charge / Interest Rate Per Month 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Finance Charge/ Interest Rate Computation The finance charge will arise from the non-payment in full of the outstanding balance on a given statement cut-off date and shall continue to be imposed until the outstanding balance and applicable interest are fully paid. Interest will be computed based on the previous outstanding balance as reflected in the current Statement of Account computed from start of the cycle date to a day before the payment transaction date plus previous outstanding balance less payment made and any credit adjustment computed from the payment date to next cycle date. Interest on cash advances are computed from transaction date to the next statement date. Minimum Amount Due 5% of the Total Outstanding Balance or Php500 whichever is higher (Peso billing); or 3% of the Total Outstanding Balance or USD50 whichever is higher (Dollar billing). The minimum amount due consists of the following: (a) a % of the Total Outstanding Balance inclusive of all fees and charges, (b) past due amount, (c) monthly installment amount and (d) any amount in excess of the credit limit. The minimum amount due is the sum of (a), (b), (c) & (d) or Php500/USD50, whichever is higher. Late Payment Fee Php1,000 or the unpaid minimum amount due, whichever is lower. Php1,000 or the unpaid minimum amount due, whichever is lower (Peso billing); or USD20 or the unpaid minimum amount due, whichever is lower (Dollar billing). Php1,000 or the unpaid minimum amount due, whichever is lower. Cash Advance Fee & Interest Php200 per transaction plus prevailing finance charge Php200 per transaction (Peso Billing) or USD4 per transaction (Dollar Billing) plus prevailing finance charge NA Cash Advance Service Charge (Over-the-Counter) Php100 NA Cash Loan Availment Fee NA NA NA NA Php200 per transaction Foreign Currency Conversion Fee Purchases in foreign currencies will be converted automatically to Philippine Peso at Mastercard’s currency conversion rate plus foreign currency conversion fee of 2.5% (consists of Mastercard’s assessment fee and Bank of Commerce Service Fee) *Purchases in third currencies (non-dollar) will be converted automatically to US dollar at Mastercard’s currency conversion rate plus foreign currency conversion fee of 2.5% (consists of Mastercard’s assessment fee and Bank of Commerce Service Fee) Charge Slip Retrieval Fee Php300 for local and USD6 for international purchases Card Replacement Fee Php 500 for lost card or damaged card Returned Check Fee Php1,000 Installment Pre-termination Fee Php1,000 Closed Account Maintenance Fee Php200 Gaming Transaction Service Fee 5% of the transaction amount Overlimit Fee Php700 when outstanding balance exceeds credit limit (transactions plus interest and fees) Php700 or USD12 when outstanding balance exceeds credit limit (transactions plus interest and fees) Php700 when outstanding balance exceeds credit limit (transactions plus interest and fees) Quasi Cash Fee 5% of the transaction amount/ quasi cash transaction SOA Re-Print Fee Php100 per re-print request of SOA Refund Fee Php500 per request (refund for over payment only) Multiple Payment Fee Php50 for each payment in excess of 3 payments within the same cycle from non-BankCom payment channel. Php50 or USD1 for each payment in excess of 3 payments within the same cycle from non-BankCom payment channel. Php50 for each payment in excess of 3 payments within the same cycle from non-BankCom payment channel. ADA (Auto Debit Arrangement) Fee Php200 for every unsuccessful ADA processing due to insufficient funds Php200 or USD4 for every unsuccessful ADA processing due to insufficient funds Php200 for every unsuccessful ADA processing due to insufficient funds Certification Fee (Certification of full payment or good credit standing) Php 300 per issuance of Certification of full payment or good credit standing * Applicable for Dual Currency Billing product INSTALLMENT PROGRAM PROCESSING FEES GET CASH Php200 CONVERT TO INSTALLMENT Php100 BALANCE CONVERT Php100 BALANCE TRANSFER Php100 BALANCE TRANSFER NOW PAY LATER Php100 BACK TO SCHOOL Php200 Sample Interest Computation A. Retail Transaction Outstanding Balance: Php50,000 Payment Amount: 5% of the outstanding balance Payment Timing: 20 days after statement date Monthly Interest Rate: 3% Assumptions: a. Retail purchases made on the statement cycle date b. No other purchases/cash advance/installment transactions made for 12 months c. No other charges/fees incurred during the 12 months period Month Retail Transaction Payment Interest Outstanding Principal Balance Total Outstanding Balance Minimum Amount Due 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 2,500.00 2 2,500.00 1,475.01 47,500.00 48,975.01 2,448.75 3 2,448.75 1,444.77 46,526.26 47,971.03 2,398.55 4 2,398.55 1,415.16 45,572.48 46,987.64 2,349.38 5 2,349.38 1,386.15 44,638.26 46,024.41 2,301.22 6 2,301.22 1,357.73 43,723.19 45,080.92 2,254.05 7 2,254.05 1,329.90 42,826.87 44,156.77 2,207.84 8 2,207.84 1,302.64 41,948.93 43,251.57 2,162.58 9 2,162.58 1,275.93 41,088.99 42,364.92 2,118.25 10 2,118.25 1,249.78 40,246.67 41,496.45 2,074.82 11 2,074.82 1,224.16 39,421.63 40,645.79 2,032.29 12 2,032.29 1,199.06 38,613.50 39,812.56 1,990.63 B. Cash Advance Transaction Cash Advance Transaction: Php20,000 Payment Amount: Initial payment is sufficient to pay off the Cash Advance Fee or/Minimum Amount Due Payment Timing: 1 day after statement date Monthly Interest Rate: 3% Assumptions: a. Cash advance made on the statement cycle date b. No other purchases/cash advance/installment transactions made for 12 months c. No other charges/fees incurred during the 12 months period d. Cash Advance Fee is fixed to Php200 or USD4 Month Cash Advance Transaction Payment Interest Outstanding Principal Balance Total Outstanding Balance Cash Advance Fee Minimum Amount Due 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,200.00 200.00 1,010.00 2 1,010.00 606.00 19,190.00 19,796.00 989.80 3 989.80 593.88 18,806.20 19,400.08 970.00 4 970.00 582.01 18,430.08 19,012.09 950.60 5 950.60 570.37 18,061.49 18,631.86 931.59 6 931.59 558.96 17,700.27 18,259.23 912.96 7 912.96 547.78 17,346.27 17,894.05 894.70 8 894.70 536.83 16,999.35 17,536.18 876.81 9 876.81 526.09 16,659.37 17,185.46 859.27 10 859.27 515.57 16,326.19 16,841.76 842.09 11 842.09 505.26 15,999.67 16,504.93 825.25 12 825.25 495.15 15,679.68 16,174.83 808.74 C. Installment Transaction Principal Amount Php10,000.00 Installment Term 12 months Monthly Add On Rate 1.00% Effective Interest Rate: Annual – 21.46% Monthly – 1.79% Month Monthly Installment Due Interest Component Principal Component Outstanding Principal Balance 0 10,000.00 1 933.33 178.81 754.52 9,245.48 2 933.33 165.31 768.02 8,477.46 3 933.33 151.58 781.75 7,695.71 4 933.33 137.60 795.73 6,899.98 5 933.33 123.38 809.95 6,090.03 6 933.33 108.89 824.44 5,265.59 7 933.33 94.15 839.18 4,426.41 8 933.33 79.15 854.18 3,572.23 9 933.33 63.87 869.46 2,702.77 10 933.33 48.32 885.01 1,817.76 11 933.33 32.50 900.83 916.93 12 933.37 16.44 916.93 0 TOTAL 11,200.00 1,200.00 10,000.00 Assumptions: Installment made on the statement cycle date No other purchases / cash advance / installment transactions made for 12 months No other charges/fees incurred during the 12 months period except for installment Interest Terms and Conditions Credit Card Terms & Conditions E-Statement Terms & Conditions Rewards Plus Terms & Conditions Get Cash Terms & Conditions Balance Transfer Terms & Conditions Balance Convert Terms & Conditions Convert to Installment Terms & Conditions Payment Channels / Methods Cardholders may pay in cash, check or by giving instructions to transfer funds from their Bank of Commerce bank account. All payment due must be received and posted on or before the Payment Due Date stated on your Statement. Check payment should be made payable to “Bank of Commerce.” Payment by check shall be considered made after the prescribed clearing period. Please allow normal banking clearing period for check payments. For check payments to be posted, funds must be cleared and available on or before the Payment Due Date. Pay your credit card bill via any of the following channels: Bank of Commerce Over-the-counter payment at any of Bank of Commerce branches nationwide Click here for the complete list of the Bank’s branches Via Bank of Commerce Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Auto Debit Arrangement Open an account with Bank of Commerce and enroll in the Auto Debit Arrangement (ADA) facility Bank of Commerce Internet Banking Enroll your account to pay online Click here to go to Bank of Commerce Internet Banking Facility Bank of Commerce Credit Card Dollar Billing (USD) Payment – (For Platinum & World Dual Currency Credit Card) Click here on How to Pay Bank of Commerce Credit Card Dollar Billing at any Bank of Commerce branch BDO Over-the-counter payment at any of BDO branches nationwide Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Online Banking Mobile Banking ECPay 7-Eleven stores nationwide via CLiQQ payment machine and CLiQQ Mobile App ECPay Payment Outlets Click below for the complete list of ECPay Payment Outlets: a. 7-Eleven Stores b. ECPay Payment Outlets (non 7-Eleven) Click here for the FAQs GCash GCash App Click here for the FAQs BPI QuickPay Via online ( Thru BPI Mobile App Click here for the FAQ’s Update Your Info To update, please call Customer Care at (02) 8632-2265; Domestic Toll-free numbers: (PLDT) 1-800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1-800-8-982-6000; or send an email to Online Banking FAQ for Credit Card BANKCOM [PERSONAL] FAQ FOR CREDIT CARD 1. CAN I SIGN UP ON THE BANKCOM [PERSONAL] AND MOBILE BANKING APP IF I AM NOT A BANK DEPOSITOR? Yes, you may use your BankCom Credit Card account to sign up for BankCom [Personal] and mobile app. 2. WHAT CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS CAN I DO ON THE BANKCOM [PERSONAL] AND MOBILE BANKING APP? You can perform the following transactions and access the features below: Check your Available Credit Limit Know your Outstanding Balance View your account’s transaction history (SOA) Additional features will be announced as it becomes available. 3. HOW DO I ENROLL MY BANKCOM CREDIT CARD WITH BANKCOM [PERSONAL] AND MOBILE APP? (FOR NEW USER) Download the latest version of BankCom App at Google Play Store or Apple Store Go to ‘Enroll Now’. Read the Terms and Conditions and click ‘I Accept’. Select ‘Card Enrollment’. Enter your Card Number, Card Expiry, and Date of Birth, click ‘Next’. Enter your ‘Permission to Proceed Code’ sent via SMS then click ‘Submit’. Create your User ID, Password, Confirm Password, Account Alias and Account Icon. For Web, accomplish the Validation and click ‘Next’. 8. Review the details displayed and click ‘Submit’. 9. A notification message with Reference number will appear. For Web, click the Printable Version > Print if you want to print the Enrollment Details. Otherwise, wait for the Activation Code page to appear. 4. HOW DO I ACTIVATE MY CREDIT CARD ENROLLMENT WITH BANKCOM [PERSONAL] AND MOBILE APP? (NEW USER) For Web: Log-in to BankCom [Personal] using your registered User ID and Password. Activation Code page will be displayed. Enter the activation code sent via SMS and click Submit. You will be directed to your BankCom [Personal] home page after successful login. For App: Log-in to BankCom [Personal] using your registered User ID and Password. Enter your Device Alias and the Registration Code sent to your email and SMS then click Submit. Enable the OTP Generator by clicking the Turn On Now button. A notification message will prompt to confirm your successful registration. 5. HOW DO I ENROLL MY BANKCOM CREDIT CARD WITH BANKCOM [PERSONAL] AND MOBILE APP? (FOR EXISTING USER) Log in to your BankCom [Personal] account using your User ID and Password. Navigate to the side bar and choose “Account Information > Add/Edit/Delete Own Account/Card.” For the app, access the side bar and select “Enroll Own Account.” Select the Account Type from the account dropdown list. Complete the required information: Card Number, Card Expiry, Date of Birth, Account Alias, and Account Icon. Then, click “Submit.” Review the details and confirm. For the app, click “Submit.” You’ll receive a notification with a reference number confirming the successful enrollment of your selected account. 6. HOW DO I VIEW MY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT DETAILS? For Web: Log-in to BankCom [Personal] using your registered User ID and Password. Go to side bar and select Account Information > Account List. Click the type of account you want to view. For Credit Card, click the Card Number and the ff. will appear: Credit Limit, Statement Balance, Due Date, Cycle/Statement Date, Cash Advance Limit, Minimum Amount Due, Last Payment Amount, Last Payment Date. For App: Log-in to BankCom [Personal] using your registered User ID and Password. Go to side bar and click Accounts to view all your enrolled accounts/card in POB. 7. HOW DO I VIEW MY CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION HISTORY? For Web: Go to side bar and select Account Information > Transaction List Select the Card Number from the dropdown list. Select the Statement Date you want to view on the dropdown list then click Search. Transaction details will appear at the bottom. Client can export the transaction details to PDF, Excel, or CSV. For App: Go to side bar and click Accounts Select the card that you want to view from the dashboard. Transaction History will appear at the bottom. 8. HOW DO I EDIT/DELETE MY ENROLLED CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT? Available only through online – BankCom [Personal] and not on the mobile app. Go to side bar and select Account Information > Add/Edit/Delete Own Account/Card. Select the type of account and click the edit/pen icon on the Action column of the account you want to edit Edit the portion (Account Name/Account Alias/Account Icon) you want to edit. Review the details and click Confirm. A notification with reference number will prompt at the top part of the page confirming the successful update to your account. 9. WHO CAN I CONTACT FOR CONCERNS ABOUT BANKCOM [PERSONAL]? You may call BankCom’s Customer Care at (02) 8632-2265 or any of Domestic Toll-free Numbers: (PLDT) 1800-10-982-6000 and (Globe Lines) 1800-8-982-6000, or email Credit Card Care Tips Your personal info and credit card details should remain private. Keep your credit card in a secure place to prevent unauthorized use. Reporting a lost card is important! Any transaction prior to report of a lost or stolen card will be considered valid purchases. Immediately report a lost or stolen credit card to Bank of Commerce Customer Service Notify the bank for changes in your personal information such as contact details and billing address. If your credit card is a replacement, destroy your old credit card by punching holes on the magnetic stripe. Be sure to check the amount indicated on the invoice before signing. Transact only with secure internet sites that you know and trust. Beware of e-mails that offer credit card services. Most unsolicited mails could be fraudulent. Forms Credit Card Application Form Supplementary Card Application Form Rewards Plus Program Redemption Form Balance Transfer Application Form Credit Card Dispute Form Customer Information Update Form Credit Card Advisory IMPORTANT ADVISORY: New Credit Card Fees and Charges Effective June 1, 2024 You can now access your Credit Card account on BankCom [Personal] Online and Mobile Banking Advisory on New Airport Lounge Access Fee for World Mastercard Cardholders Credit Card Reminders for a Hassle – Free Travel Always keep your Credit Card PIN ready Avail of a cash advance up to 50% of your total credit limit New Credit Card Interest Rate Effective February 10, 2023 IMPORTANT ADVISORY: Update on BankCom Credit Card Payment Channel Advisory on New Installment Processing Fees A Faster and Easier Way to receive your Credit Card Statement of Account Understanding Bank of Commerce Credit Card Fees and Charges Credit Card Advisory: New Bank of Commerce Credit Card Fees and Charges Credit Card Advisory: BSP Circular 1098 Notice to Cardholders Update on Credit Card Payments during General Community Quarantine (GCQ) New Finance Charge Computation New Late Payment Fee EMV Chip Card Credit Card Advisory Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular 706: Updating of Personal Information Credit Information System Act E-Statement Facility Important Advisory Truth In Lending Act Salient Provisions of Republic Act No. 3765 (“Truth in Lending Act”) It is the policy of the State to protect its citizens from a lack of awareness of the true cost of credit to the user by assuring a full disclosure of such cost with a view of preventing the uninformed use of credit to the detriment of the national economy. Definition of Terms “Board” means the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of the Philippines. “Credit” means any loan, mortgage, deed of trust, advance, or discount; any conditional sales contract; any contract to sell, or sale or contract of sale of property or services, either for present or future delivery, under which part or all of the price is payable subsequent to the making of such sale or contract; any rental-purchase contract; any contract or arrangement for the hire, bailment, or leasing of property; any option, demand, lien, pledge, or other claim against, or for the delivery of, property or money; any purchase, or other acquisition of, or any credit upon the security of, any obligation of claim arising out of any of the foregoing; and any transaction or series of transactions having a similar purpose or effect. “Finance charge” includes interest, fees, service charges, discounts, and such other charges incident to the extension of credit as the Board may be regulation prescribe. “Creditor” means any person engaged in the business of extending credit (including any person who as a regular business practice makes loans or sells or rents property or services on a time, credit, or installment basis, either as principal or as agent) who requires as an incident to the extension of credit, the payment of a finance charge. “Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other organized group of persons, or the legal successor or representative of the foregoing, and includes the Philippine Government or any agency thereof, or any other government, or of any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of the foregoing. Each person to whom credit is extended, prior to the consummation of the transaction, shall be furnished a clear statement in writing setting forth, to the extent applicable and in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Monetary Board, the following information: the cash price or delivered price of the property or service to be acquired; the amounts, if any, to be credited as down payment and/or trade-in; the difference between the amounts set forth under clauses (1) and (2); the charges, individually itemized, which are paid or to be paid by such person in connection with the transaction but which are not incident to the extension of credit; the total amount to be financed; the finance charge expressed in terms of pesos and centavos; and the percentage that the finance charge bears to the total amount to be financed expressed as a simple annual rate on the outstanding unpaid balance of the obligation. The disclosure statement in writing is a required attachment to the credit transaction contract. The borrower has a right to demand a copy of the disclosure statement. Financial Education and Awareness For more information and advice, you may visit the Credit Card Association of the Philippines (CCAP) website at CREDIT CARD TIPS Always make sure that the amount on the transaction slip is the actual amount of your purchase before you sign. Never sign a blank transaction slip. If you have any concerns or problems with a collection agent, please report it right away to your issuing bank. Make sure to take note of the name of the collection agent, the name of the collection agency and the date and time of the call. Majority of issuing banks have invested in 24×7 customer service helpdesks to assist you locally or internationally. Always call them for any credit card concerns. They appreciate your feedback in order to serve you better. Their hotline numbers are normally indicated at the back of your credit card. Issuance of pre-approved credit cards is not allowed per BSP Circular Nos. 702 & 845. DTI’s Department Administrative Order Number 10 Series of 2006 prohibits any surcharge, extra charge or additional charge over and above the price tag on items purchased using credit cards for payment. Credit card price is the same as the cash price. You should report establishments that have different cash and credit card prices. To report, call DTI Direct at 751-3330. For your security, immediately sign at the back of your credit card upon receipt. Always check the details of your statement of account. For any error, immediately call your bank’s customer hotline number usually indicated at the back of your credit card. Never divulge personal financial data. Your issuing bank will never call you to ask for your credit card or your account information. Should you receive such calls or letters, always call your issuing bank on the number at the back of your credit card for verification. Before traveling abroad, advise your issuing bank so your credit card transactions can be safely monitored. Keep a record of your credit card numbers, expiration date and contact numbers of your issuing bank for emergency cases such as the loss of your card. Do not freely divulge your credit card details such as card number or expiry date to any person or means without verifying the legitimacy of the person or manner. Do not fall victim to phishing websites or emails or prank calls asking for your credit card details. Be smart in determining the need to divulge these information and the manner it will be done. BUDGET & CREDIT MANAGEMENT Charge to your credit card only what you can afford and pay. Maintain your credit card in good standing by paying the total outstanding balance or at least the minimum amount due on or before your due date to enjoy your credit card’s full benefits. Maintain your credit card in good standing by paying the total outstanding balance or at least the minimum amount due on or before due date to enjoy your credit card’s full benefits. Always pay your bills on time to avoid penalties. Remember, you will not be charged of any interest if you settle your balance in full on or before your due date. Finance charges will only be imposed when balances are not settled in full on due dates. Always check your statement of account for payment details. When paying by cheque or through any ATMs, please pay at least 3 days before your payment due date to allow for a 3-day clearing or payment transfer. Keep your credit card in a secure place. Personally hand over your credit card to the cashier when paying. Be alert when your card is not returned to you after an unusually long period. Always make sure that the amount on the transaction slip is the actual amount of your purchase before you sign. Never sign a blank transaction slip. To ensure that you are not logged on to a spoofed website, check that the URL address starts with “https”. Moreover, there should be a padlock icon located at the lower right portion of the webpage to indicate that it is a secured website. TIPS FOR HITCH-FREE TRAVEL SPENDING Inform card issuers of your plan to travel as well as your itinerary. Be extra vigilant when it comes to card security. Unscrupulous persons can easily take advantage of unsuspecting travelers with skimming devices, unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots, and the like. Pack extra plastic. Bringing other cards serve as spare tires you can use in case one card suffers a hitch. Inquire from card issuers about foreign transactions fees. Some credit cards charge such fees for purchases abroad. Take note of rewards programs. It is common for card issuers to grant incentives to their clients for accumulated usage. These may include travel-related benefits or perks such as room discounts, free breakfast, gift certificates, or travel certificates. Credit cards may offer travelers medical insurance for free or at lower rates. Check cards’ credit limits beforehand. This will spare you a headache from finding out otherwise in the middle of the trip or a transaction. Monitor your credit card even after a trip. Put your credit card’s toll-free numbers on speed dial. Stay within budget and keep tabs of charge records. Setting a budget will allow you to manage your payments efficiently and avoid penalties. Remember, always check the e-mail address of the sender and make sure that it is from a CCAP member bank or CCAP. Example: When in doubt, call your Bank’s customer service hotline.