Current Checking Account Pay your bills and perform other disbursements by issuing checks. Take advantage of shorter clearing time through PCHC’s check image clearing. Transfer funds automatically through our CASA Add-on facilities***, monitor movements in your account balance conveniently through our secure Bank of Commerce Retail Internet Banking**. You may also view your transactions instantly by enrolling your account to our Electronic Statement of Account (eStatement) and keep a record through a statement of account sent straight to your doorstep. A Mastercard EMV Debit Card* linked to your account lets you access your funds anytime, anywhere, here or abroad, through Bank of Commerce ATMs, Mastercard and BancNet terminals, or make purchases without bringing cash. Initial deposit and maintaining ADB PHP 5,000 Features With Checkbook, a Debit Card option and monthly statement of account Complete Checking Account An interest bearing account that gives you everything you need. Issue a check conveniently, transfer funds automatically through our CASA Add-on facilities***, access your account 24/7 with your Mastercard EMV Debit Card*, manage your transactions with your passbook, view your daily balances and transactions through our secure Bank of Commerce Retail Internet Banking**, and get your monthly statement of account through your registered address. You may also view your transactions instantly by enrolling your account to our Electronic Statement of Account (eStatement). Initial deposit and maintaining ADB PHP 25,000 Required ADB to earn interest PHP 50,000 Interest rate Based on prevailing interest rate Interest crediting Monthly Features With Checkbook, Passbook, a Debit Card option and monthly statement of account *With access to online payment and cashless shopping at over 38 million Mastercard POS terminals worldwide ** Bank of Commerce Retail Internet Banking requires enrollment. *** These are automatic fund transfer facilities applicable to peso savings and current accounts.