World Mastercard Travel Accident InsuranceEnjoy your trip without worries with Bank of Commerce World Credit Card FREE Travel Insurance! All Principal and Supplementary cardholders up to 70 years old are covered for up to Php5 million in Travel Accident, Medical Expense, and Inconvenience Benefits every time you charge your entire fare for travel (airline tickets and other means of public transport) to your Bank of Commerce World Card credit card when you travel abroad. It provides protection up to a maximum of 15 days for international travel while taking a trip on a common carrier conveyance or scheduled flight, as a fare-paying passenger. Travel Insurance Coverage Benefits Maximum Sum Insured per Person (in PHP) Travel Accident Insurance Principal and Supplementary Cardholder 5,000,000 Spouse 5,000,000 Per Child (max. of 2 children) 500,000 Medical Expense Reimbursement (due to injury and illness) 30,000 Loss or Damage to Baggage Php 5,000.00 sub-limit per item 35,000 Baggage Delay Php 2,000.00 per 12 hours, max. of 96 hours, maximum cover up to 16,000 Flight Delay Php 2,000.00 per 12 hours, max. of 96 hours, maximum cover up to 16,000 Flight Cancellation 10,000 Travel Misconnection Php 2,000.00 per 12 hours, max. of 96 hours, maximum cover up to 16,000 24-Hour Emergency Medical and Travel Assistance Hotline Included Description of Coverage Accidental Death & Permanent Dismemberment Insured is covered while taking a trip during the period of insurance on a common carrier conveyance, a scheduled flight as fare-paying passenger, or “on board ticketing”, up to the Benefit Amount stated in the Policy Schedule. Travel Insurance shall cover injuries or death occurring during a one way or round trip taken by the insured between point of departure to destination (as shown in insured’s ticket), while riding as a passenger, or boarding or alighting from a licensed air, land, water public conveyance, or while riding as a passenger on a private registered 4-wheeled motorized vehicle or Public conveyance operated for the transportation of passengers or for hire when: Going to the airport for the purpose of boarding a scheduled common carrier aircraft At the airport terminal itself Leaving directly from an airport after alighting from such aircraft until the next destination is reached. Medical Expense Reimbursement Insured is covered for expenses incurred for medical attention and treatment while on a Trip, up to the Benefit Amount stated in the Policy Schedule, for Injury or Sickness suffered by the Insured during the Period of Insurance. Baggage Delay Pays to the Insured the relevant Benefit Amount as stated in the Policy Schedule for every full 12 consecutive hours that the baggage checked-in with the Common Carrier is not delivered to the Insured. Loss of/Damage to Checked-in Baggage and Personal Effects Pays for all direct loss or damage to the Insured’s baggage and personal effects within the baggage, up to the Benefit Amount stated in the Policy Schedule. Flight Delay Pays a benefit for each consecutive 12 hours delay due to strikes or industrial action, adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown / derangement of the Common Carrier or due to the grounding of the Common Carrier as a result of a mechanical or structural defect, up to the Benefit Amount stated in the Policy Schedule. Flight Cancellation Covers loss of deposits, charges for advance payments for travel or accommodation, or other charges which have not been or will not be used, but which become forfeited / non-refundable or payable, up to the Benefit Amount specified in the Policy Schedule, in the unfortunate event that the trip is canceled as the direct and necessary result of a covered cause as specified in the policy, occurring up to thirty (30) days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date. Travel Misconnection Pays for every full 12 consecutive hours of misconnection (the misconnection being calculated from the actual arrival to the actual departure of the Insured), up to the Benefit Amount stated in the Policy Schedule, wherein the Insured’s confirmed onward travel connection Overseas is missed at the transfer point due to the late arrival of the Insured’s incoming confirmed connecting scheduled Common Carrier and no onward transportation is available to the Insured within 12 consecutive hours on his actual arrival time. 24-Hour Emergency Medical and Travel Assistance Hotline Insured has access 24 hours a day during the covered period should travel or medical advice or assistance be required. In case of emergency, all qualified Bank of Commerce cardholders need to call collect the 24-hour Chubb Assistance: +63 2 864 0865. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS The Group Policy does not cover loss, injuries or damage caused by or resulting from or contributed to by the following: 1. War (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, civil war, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, popular rising against the government, riot, strike; 2. Nuclear weapons, radiation or radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear refuse arising from the combustion of nuclear fuel and any process of self-sustaining nuclear fission/ fusion; 3. Any illegal, criminal or unlawful act by the Insured or confiscation, detention, destruction by customs or other authorities; 4. Any prohibition or regulations by any government; 5. Any breach of government regulation or any failure by the Insured to take reasonable precautions to avoid a claim under this Policy following the warning of any intended strike, riot or civil commotion through or by general mass media. 6. The Insured engaging in naval, military or air force service or operations or testing of any kind of conveyance or being employed as a manual worker or while engaging in offshore mining or aerial photography or handling of explosive or hitchhiking or backpacking. 7. Any loss or expenses with respect to Cuba or a Specially Designated List or which if reimbursed or paid by the Company would result in the Company being in breach of trade or economic sanctions or other such similar laws or regulations. This material is only a general description of coverage and is not a statement of contract policy. All coverage is subject to the exclusions and conditions of the actual insurance policy. This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Insurance Company of North America (a Chubb Company). FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I make a claim? Submit a claim anytime, from anywhere and on any device. Just go to Complete ALL relevant sections & questions of the claim form that relate to your claim in full. Missing out details will usually result in Chubb needing to contact you for clarification and delay the assessment of your claim. Ensure that you collate and attach to your claim form ALL the required supporting documents that relate to your claim. Failing to provide the required supporting documentation will usually result in Chubb needing to contact you for clarification and delay the assessment of your claim. For questions about your claim, please contact: +63 2 849 6000 (Mondays – Fridays, 8:30am to 5:30pm) or email What are the requirements to claim for benefits? Basic Claim Requirements are: a) Signed and completed Claim Form b) Copy of passport c) Copy of airline ticket/boarding pass Accidental Death Accident and Sickness Proof of Loss Claim Form is to be used. Documents to enclose (certified true copies) official police report and other related reports (e.g. inter-office accident report, newspaper clippings) duly registered death certificate autopsy report/medico-legal statement affidavit of witness available photos taken at the incident scene proof of relationship of the beneficiary (such as marriage contract, birth certificate, baptismal and passport) birth certificate of Insured Person Medical Expense Accident and Sickness Proof of Loss. Claim rm is to be used. Documents to enclose: original copy of medical bills (itemized charge slips and professional fees included) and original official receipts official report pertinent to the accident (i.e. police report, accident report if any) emergency room record / admitting history / discharge summary all medical results pertaining to the accident prescription of medicines Loss or Damage of Baggage and Personal Effects Travel Claim Form is to be used. All losses must be reported to the Police Authority, responsible Hotel Management or responsible officer of any aircraft, vessel/conveyance within 24 hours. Documents to enclose: airline ticket boarding pass travel itinerary police report or report issued by responsible Hotel Management or carrier evidencing such losses original purchase bills/receipts of lost/damaged items original repair bills for damaged items if the responsible Hotel Management or carrier has made compensation for the damaged/lost items, please request them to issue a note or letter certifying the amount of money paid to you Baggage Delay Travel Claim Form is to be used. Arrival point must not be the Insured Person’s country of residence or place of employment. Documents to enclose: airline ticket travel itinerary boarding pass showing the actual take-off time & date written confirmation from airline/their agents specifying reason and the no. of hours of baggage delay written acknowledgment on returned baggage all original bills/receipts for the purchase of emergency essential clothing and requisite items/charge slips of credit card used for purchases Flight Delay Travel Claim Form is to be used. Documents to enclose: airline ticket travel itinerary boarding pass showing the actual take- off time & date written confirmation from the airline concerned specifying the Reason(s) and the no. of hours of travel delay Flight Cancellation Travel Claim Form is to be used. Documents to enclose: proof of cancellation notice issued by the relevant parties death certificate and/or medical report proof of the relationship between the Insured person and his/her parents, siblings, spouse or child airline ticket travel itinerary Travel Misconnection Travel Claim Form is to be used. Documents to enclose: airline ticket travel itinerary airport or airline irregularity report (stating or confirming the late arrival of incoming flight) How long does it take to process a claim? Chubb will process your claims within 5 to 10 working days following the receipt of all claims requirements. What is the hierarchy of automatic beneficiaries? Benefits payable shall be made to the Insured; or in the event of his death, to the beneficiary designated by the Insured provided such beneficiary is not legally disqualified and survives the Insured; or in the absence of beneficiary designation, to the person or persons then surviving in the following order of preference: (a) legal spouse; (b) children; (c) parents; (d) brothers and sisters; otherwise, to the estate of the Insured. If I have an existing travel accident coverage from another insurance plan, can I still claim for benefits under this plan? Yes, you can. Benefits are payable on top of other insurance that you might have. For your reimbursement benefits such as flight delay, baggage delay, loss/damage to baggage and medical reimbursement, these shall apply only if you have not claimed for these under any other plan. If in case the Supplementary Cardholder encounters a loss, can the Supplementary Cardholder file a claim even if the airfare and travel tickets were charged using the Principal Cardholder’s Bank of Commerce (BOC) Credit Card? Yes, the Supplementary Cardholder is covered and can file a claim even if the ticket cost is charged to the Principal Cardholder’s Bank of Commerce Credit Card. If the ticket was purchased by the supplementary cardholder, but the ticket was used by the principal cardholder, would the principal still be covered? Yes. Would the cardholder be sent an insurance policy? No, they are insured as a group, Bank of Commerce has the policy. How long would cardholder be qualified for coverage? Coverage begins once the cardholder boards a common carrier as a fare-paying passenger and is on an international trip for a maximum of 15 days. Would discounted or promo rates for tickets be included in the coverage? Yes, as long as the qualified Bank of Commerce credit card was used to purchase them. Are Bank of Commerce employees who own a Bank of Commerce credit card qualified for the insurance? Yes, as long as they use their Bank of Commerce credit card to purchase the airfare. What are the contact numbers do I call in case I need emergency assistance during my travel abroad? In case of emergency, all qualified Bank of Commerce cardholders need to call collect the 24-hour Chubb Assistance: +63 2 864 0865.